Online Tarot Reading › Card Moon

Interpretation of the card
Ambiguity and illusions
Tarot card “The Moon” is the card of ambiguity. And that is mysteriousness and intuition. In interpretation it talks about the fight with falsehood and illusion and the ability to immediately discern dishonesty and the unwillingness to tolerate it in others and in oneself. In general the card “The Moon” is a negative card. It announces a period of hard challenges and situations which bring about change. The positive thing is above all its power to strengthen creative endeavours and imagination.
Be clear about things and don't be afraid
Nothing is as it should be. It makes you uneasy, you are depressed and there is one problem coming after another. You are facing old illusions and you have to decide what to do next. You feel that desires, emotions and visions are disappearing and you are getting lost. To manage everything, you must find yourself, kick start your imagination and creativity. You simply just have to make things clear in yourself and everything else. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. There might be difficult decisions ahead, especially when it comes to solutions to problematic relationships. But you have to realize that crises are a part of life and if you understand the heart of the matter, it can only make you stronger.
Warning!The card “The Moon” can also be connected to timidity, stage fright and inability to move from one place. It can be followed by lying to oneself, sadness and regrets sometimes even leading to psychological problems. Be honest with yourself and think positively.
Inspiration for the interpretation
» Tarot card Moon and the zodiac sign of Pisces
» Own experience (JB)
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