Online Tarot Reading › Card Sun

Interpretation of the card
Joy of life
Tarot card “The Sun” is a card of happiness and success. It is the highest card of relationships and shows the way to inner wholeness and team work. In interpretation it points to new beginnings and reveals a joy of life. It brings a vital energy. It can also mean getting married or finding of the right partner. It is positive in all aspects.
When you are happy about yourself, you also bring happiness to other people, but don't forget to stay humble.
You are just feeling a joy of life and everybody receives your positive energy and see that you are just beaming. It is a vital energy. And with this energy whatever you start, you will be successful. You have a great appetite for life and you can take advantage of all the abilities you have. You are happy with yourself and you wish everyone around you to share it with you and be happy as well. The sun strengthens your spirit and then you can face problems and make decisions which move you forward. don’t be afraid to show the scope of your talent especially in cooperation with others.
Warning! You can be proud of your achievement and it is above all thanks to you. But the card “The Sun” is also telling us to be modest, to appreciate what we have achieved and especially to appreciate the people who helped us on our way to success and encouraged us. Because only a step away from pride is pomp and as is known, pride comes before the fall.
Inspiration for the interpretation
» Own experience (JB)
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