xTarot.com Online Tarot Reading

Online Tarot ReadingCard The WorldOwn Experience

Cosmos / Universe

Inspiration for the interpretation of the card „The World”

Own experience

For illustration of the card “The World” I chose one of my own experiences.

What next, what is in store for me?

This is the last card of the major arcana. And it consists of the main stories in our life. Minor arcana and the court cards add to it everyday problems. And now back to the main thing, the card “The World”. Until now I have led a very eventful life. And a few times I have said to myself that I have been through everything. But I was horribly wrong. At twenty, thirty and even today, when I am sixty, I still have new experiences. There is always something happening that I would never have expected. And I am always surprised. I want to say that the older I get, the more I understand that when I make a step forward I always expect a step backwards. And I am more ready for it and therefore less surprised. Also because I am usually able to understand others and myself and because everything that has ever happened to me was mostly my doing.

And when you consider it from the cosmic perspective, that is all there is, our behaviour as individuals to ourselves, to others and to our planet we live on.

And me today? I write these stories, which for a long time I didn’t have the courage to do, and with you I am in awe of all the things I have been through, how I sometimes suffered, how I enjoyed my success, how I got excited and also how powerless I felt at times. But that’s all life, my life.

I am happy when I see my children and grandchildren, when I walk in the woods and see a beautiful mushroom or when I fish out of the water a ferocious pike, or when I am just sitting in the garden, drinking wine, smoking a cigarette and enjoying the view of the flower beds in bloom, my wooden reliefs, but also the slightly crooked tiled floor and wobbly wooden flower stands.

I have to stop at the flower stands. They are a reminder of a recent weekend at my girlfriend’s “small house”. I really like wood-turning lathes, saws, drills and everything connected to wood, including wood itself. I have all this at my disposal in the workshop after her father. I wanted to start doing something and create a beautiful wooden thing for a long time.

My girlfriend suggested that she would need an outside flower stand and a greenhouse where I could use some old windows. I was supposed to have a week off work and the moment I came to the house I started working with enthusiasm and maximum engagement. The first thing I finished was the greenhouse. Well, greenhouse. It was just a nicely done box from planks with some small windows on top joined by hinges. I liked it a lot, so I started to work on the stand. It was the first time I was joining and gluing wood. At one moment it looked hopeless, but in the end I managed to do it. A big staircase frame from slightly unevenly cut squared logs and on it three lines of beautiful cherry planks. I stained it. In my eyes it was beautiful. And I felt I had to make something more.

In the workshop, my girlfriend’s father also left an iron cast of christ from some tomb stone. And it came to me. I will make a wooden crucifix with a pedestal, nail the christ to it and paint it with oil colours so that he looks like he’s “alive”, that means like a real one. naturalistic, including the blood. I tried to capture the suffering, because without suffering he could never be resurrected. And it also served for me as a memento – look at him, you also understood a lot of things through suffering. I finished the work. I arranged everything in the yard and for a couple of long minutes I was just sitting there full of satisfaction of what I was able to create. Friday came, my girlfriend was supposed to arrive in the afternoon. I was sitting in the garden when I heard her car and then her steps. she was coming. Already on her way she saw the flower stand. she was still holding back:

“What a monstrosity!”

Then she saw the greenhouse:

“It’s nice, but it’s so small, I don’t know what we can use it for,” I could already hear I didn’t pass muster.

Then her eyes stopped on the christ and I could see in her face she got really pale: “That´s horrible, the blood, I’m getting sick.” At the first sight a situation that should have offended me, because my effort was degraded. But I was glad. I made the flower stand into two and I really tried to do my best. And christ? Her reaction was absolutely great. I really managed to convey the suffering and pain, without which there can be no understanding and love, because without evil, there can be no good. I took him to my flat where it has its own special place and along with the picture of the Medusa, it reminds me that my life is worth living.

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