Online Tarot Reading › Card Hermit

Interpretation of the card
Patience and Self-discipline
“The Hermit” is a card of being alone. It is usually connected with ending of one period of life and searching for new ways. It speaks about the art of self-discipline, detachment from anything negative in your life, about inner wisdom and the ability to show others a correct path. It also highlights a necessity to work on patience.
Listen to Your Inner Voice
You might have overcome a life changing experience and now it is time to calm down and think of new way of doing things. You have to introspect before deciding you are going to start something new and for that purpose it might be a good idea to distance yourself from your usual routine. “The Hermit” card also signifies a deep concentration. concentrate on yourself, your inner energy, on your body and learn to listen to your inner voice. The outcome can be that you not only re-discover yourself but also that you might be able to inspire and motivate other people. When you learn to be patient and you won’t be rushing to anything you’ll see that some things might solve themselves out without your influence. If there is something important ahead of you, it is wise to think it through. Make sure that you finish all the things still opened from your past.
Careful! “The Hermit” might also mean separation or inner loneliness. You might feel that everything and everyone is against you. You might rather be by yourself than feel like you’re a hindrance to someone because such feelings might lead to self-pity instead to self-respect.
Inspiration for the interpretation
» Tarot card Hermit and the zodiac sign of Virgo
» Own experience (JB)
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